Susan Stoderl
Feb 28, 20231 min
A First Century Birthday Invitation | Claudia Severa to Sulpicia Cerialis
Sometime between the years 97-103 CE, Claudia Severa invited her sister Sulpicia Lepedina Cerialis to come to her birthday celebration on...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 24, 20231 min
Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | A Middle-Grade Detective Book
The occupant of apartment 4A, Sean O’Donoghue, otherwise known as Mr. O’D, followed a specific routine every morning. He put on his...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 21, 20231 min
From Medieval Legend to Middle-Grade Books | Tales of Robin Hood
Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw hero of medieval English ballads can be found as early as the 14th century. The authenticated three are...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 17, 20231 min
An Excerpt from Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | a Middle-Grade Detective Book for Ages 8-12
#Bookexcerpt,#amwriting, #bookpromotion #childrensbookauthor #childrensbookstagram #readingismagic #readtoyourkids...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 14, 20232 min
A Most Unusual Writer’s Life | Charles, Duke of Orléans (b. 1394–d. 1465)
In 1406, Charles and his first wife and cousin were married. He was twelve, and she was seventeen and already a widow. She died of...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 10, 20232 min
Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | Wahoo's "Working" Relationship with Christie's Auction House
Wahoo is an arctic raven who is quite a dapper dude with thoughts only of others, such as helping Christie’s Auction House with their...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 7, 20231 min
Anne Duffy | The First Female Scottish Poet Laureate Ever (2009-19)
Being a middle-grade female writer, came upon the work of Anne Duffy. The poem that really spoke to me was “In Mrs. Tilscher’s Class.” It...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 3, 20232 min
Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | Suzy Snodgrass Gives Mdm. le Diable Effects
Sophia and Pedro are in history class with the Cru Crew, the fashionistas and bullies of JSCA. Today’s lesson in New York City history is...