Susan Stoderl
May 112 min
Prairie Dust, Chapter 2, Excerpt 3 | A Historical Fiction in Serial Form
Jim receives a letter from Flora with unexpected news.
Susan Stoderl
May 32 min
Prairie Dust, Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 | a Historical Novel in Serial Form
Jim decided bad news could always wait as he put the letter in his jacket pocket. He’d take care of business first, he thought as he...
Susan Stoderl
Apr 252 min
Prairie Dust | Chapter 2, Excerpt 1 | A Historical Novel in Serial Form
Prairie Dust | a Historical Novel in Serial Form
Susan Stoderl
Apr 192 min
Experiment | Prairie Dust, Chapter 1, Excerpt 3
As he wiped the remaining soap from his rough, scraped face, Jim pondered the weakness of some folks. He would never even entertain...
Susan Stoderl
Apr 121 min
Experiment | A Forgotten Novel |Prairie Dust, Chapter 1, Excerpt 2
Louie watched his father getting ready to leave through the tiny window. His overbearing, philandering father had laid down the law....
Susan Stoderl
Apr 112 min
Experiment | A Forgotten Novel |Prairie Dust, Chapter 1
Colorado 1908 Saturday Night Late April drafts blasted through the gaping cracks of the tarp-covered doorway. Smoldering hay within the...