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  • Susan Stoderl

Calling All Parents | Adequate Teachers' Base Salaries Impact Student Literacy and Test Scores

In an article written by labor economist Eunice S. Han, and Emma García of the Economic Policy Institute, there is a direct correlation between a teacher’s base salary and the school district’s academic performance.

Judged by standardized test scores in mathematics and English, students tested significantly higher in districts that paid a higher base teacher’s salary. The higher base salaries also reduced the achievement gap between White and Black students and White and Hispanic students by significantly raising the minority student’s scores.

A study by the National Education Association showed that school districts and states have not adjusted teachers’ pay to keep up with inflation. Teachers are making approximately $3,644 less than they did ten years ago.

Across the U.S., forty percent of full-time education support professionals make less than $25,000 per year in grades K-12. When combining college and K-12 education, more than a third of full-time education support professionals earn less than $25,000 per year.

Why are states and school districts so against teachers' unions? In states with unions, on average, teachers earn twenty-five percent more and school support staff earn fifteen percent more than the non-unionized districts. Unionized faculty in higher education earn about $4,000 more than non-union faculty in the same states. Teachers' pay makes a difference in your child's education.

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