Labor economists Eunice S. Han and Emma García of the Economic Policy Institute, y found that a teacher's base salary was linked to student Literacy standardized test scores in the school district’s academic performance.
Judged by standardized test scores in mathematics and English, students tested significantly higher in districts that paid a higher base teacher’s salary. The higher base salaries also reduced the achievement gap between White and Black students and White and Hispanic students by significantly raising the minority student’s scores.
A study by the National Education Association showed that school districts and states have not adjusted teachers’ pay to keep up with inflation. Teachers are making approximately $3,644 less than they did ten years ago.
Across the U.S., forty percent of full-time education support professionals make less than $25,000 per year in grades K-12. When combining college and K-12 education, more than a third of full-time education support professionals earn less than $25,000 per year.
Why are states and school districts so against teachers' unions? In states with unions, on average, teachers earn twenty-five percent more and school support staff earn fifteen percent more than the non-unionized districts. Unionized faculty in higher education earn about $4,000 more than non-union faculty in the same states. Teachers' pay makes a difference in your child's education.
#teacherspay, #teachersunion, #literacy, #education, #English, #Mathematics, #testscores, #childrensliteracy