Susan Stoderl
Jul 232 min
Literacy Makes the World Turn in the Right Direction
Being literate is the only thing that allowed me to escape from a life I would not have liked.
Susan Stoderl
Feb 201 min
"Exploring Banned Books: Why Freedom to Read Week Matters"
Freedom to Read Week Yet Not Free to Read. Three banned classic books.
Susan Stoderl
Sep 29, 20231 min
Middle-Grade Time Travel Book | Reading Chapter 12 of Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors
Two enslaved children set out on the Maritime Underground Railroad in 1832, but end up in New York City in 2019.
Susan Stoderl
May 19, 20233 min
Writing Middle-Grade Fiction | Handling Tragic Subjects
For marketing reasons, I wrote a prequel to Mission 1: All in a Day’s Work, the first book in my Sophia of the Bright Read Sneakers...
Susan Stoderl
Feb 28, 20231 min
A First Century Birthday Invitation | Claudia Severa to Sulpicia Cerialis
Sometime between the years 97-103 CE, Claudia Severa invited her sister Sulpicia Lepedina Cerialis to come to her birthday celebration on...
Susan Stoderl
Jan 27, 20232 min
White Lady Ghost of Stow Lake—Another Fake!
“Sophia and Pedro, finish your tea and cookies. The tea house closes in fifteen minutes. Then we’ll go check out the Pioneer Mother...
Susan Stoderl
Jul 6, 20222 min
Fanny Fern and the Cult of True Womanhood
"The Cult of Domesticity" or "True Womanhood," was established for the wives and daughters of the white American middle- and upper-class...
Susan Stoderl
Jun 28, 20222 min
From #CronesRock to #GirlPower
The myth of the Three-Part Goddess has many sources and traditions, many associated with the phases of the moons or changing of seasons....