Susan Stoderl
Aug 9, 20242 min read
My Writer's Life | Tale 1 | The Forbidden House
My writer’s life began when curiosity enticed me to try sleuthing. Being an only child in nowhere rural Kansas necessitated it.

Susan Stoderl
Aug 7, 20242 min read
Women Writers Through History | Christine de Pizan | Not an Ordinary Woman Writer
Medieval Writer Christine de Pizan was not an ordinary female writer. She wrote the first political treatise in 1407.

Susan Stoderl
Jun 26, 20242 min read
Women Writers Through History | Margaret Calderwood | A Very Witty Scottish Diarist
Margaret Calderwood (1715–1774) was a Scottish diarist who wrote about her journeys through England to Brussels after the Jacobite rising .

Susan Stoderl
Jun 12, 20241 min read
Women Writers Through History | Henrietta Liston | Scottish Botanist and Travel Writer
Henrietta Marchant Liston lived an extraordinary life as a botanist and travel writer.

Susan Stoderl
Jun 5, 20241 min read
Women Writers Through History | Jean Elliott, Scottish Poet
Jean Elliot was a Scottish poet living in the 18th century

Susan Stoderl
May 8, 20242 min read
Women Writers Through History | Aphra Behn | First Woman Professional Writer and Spy
Aphra Behn, is an English woman writer who makes her living by writing and spying.

Susan Stoderl
May 9, 20232 min read
Women Writing Through History | The Shockingly Modern Novels of Maria Edgeworth
Other writers depended on aristocratic supporters, while she appealed directly to the London booksellers.

Susan Stoderl
Apr 28, 20232 min read
Women Writers In History | Frances Browne (1816–1879)
Frances Browne, poet and novelist, was blind from the age of eighteen months. She is best known for her collection of children's stories.

Susan Stoderl
Apr 21, 20232 min read
Women Writers Through History | Agnes Giberne | Children's Science Writer
Agnes Giberne, author of one-hundred-thirty books, was one of the first women writers to popularize science