Susan Stoderl
Nov 62 min read
Women Writers Through History | The Poetry of Madeleine L'Engle
Madeleine L'Engle was born into a tumultuous time (1918-2007) that brought about many unanswered questions, a time when God was questioned.
Susan Stoderl
Aug 161 min read
Writer's Life | Tale 2 | Playing Grownup
Since I was seven years old, working along, I have been a jack of all trades out of necessity and insatiable curiosity.
Susan Stoderl
Jun 212 min read
Excerpt | Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors | Chapter 24 |Volume 2 of Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers Series
Excerpt from Chapter 34, of Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors.
Susan Stoderl
Aug 4, 20231 min read
Excerpt | Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | Sophia of the Bright Read Sneakers series
Enjoy this excerpt from Mission 1: All in a Day's Work, from the Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers series.
Susan Stoderl
Jul 7, 20231 min read
Excerpt | Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | Chapter 14
Excerpt from the audiobook Mission 1: All in a Day's Work is read by Elizabeth Klett.
Susan Stoderl
Jun 9, 20232 min read
Excerpt | Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors
He heard a heavy grating noise from inside, but no other sounds. The foliage could be preventing the sound from traveling...