Communication on the Underground Maritime Railroad
Excerpt | Mission 1: All in a Day's Work | Audiobook Chapter 14
Excerpt | Author Susan Stoderl Reads Chapter 8 from Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors
A Writer's Life | Historical Fiction
Calling all Teachers, Librarians, and Parents | Lists and More Lists of Middle-Grade and Teen Books by Topic
Excerpt | Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors | Terror in the Dismal Swamp | Chapter 9
Writer's Life | A Lifelong Journey | Writer's Voice and Vision
Excerpt | Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors | A Night to Remember in Chapter 26
Maroons in the Great Dismal Swamp | Middle-Grade Fiction | Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors
Excerpt | Chapter 3: Intersection Between Good and Evil," from Mission 2: Unexpected Visitors
Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers | Spinning Off into Upper Middle-Grade Historical Fiction
Author Susan Stoderl Reads "A Christmas Eve Surprise," a Sophia and Pedro Short Story, Part 3
Author Susan Stoderl Reads "A Christmas Eve Surprise," a Sophia and Pedro Short Story, Part 1 or 3
Author Susan Stoderl Reads "A Christmas Eve Surprise," a Sophia and Pedro Short Story, Part 2 or 3
Sneak Peek | Mission 2. Unexpected Visitors, Vol. 2 of the Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers Series | Coming in Spring 2025
Writer's Life | From Kansas to New York City | Middle-Grade Life to Middle-Grade Characters
Writer's Life | How Asthma + Piano Lessons = Multicultural Middle-Grade Books
Writer’s Life | Keeping Your Creativity On Fire
Magical Realism in Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers | Listening to the Wisdom of Telepathic Animals